San Diego Lyft & Uber Accident Lawyers

Lyft and Uber Accident Lawyers

A person in a car accident involving a rideshare vehicle can suffer extensive losses, and it may be challenging to recover compensation from the appropriate party. Resolving these issues can often be confusing. To make it easier on yourself, after being involved in a rideshare accident, it's beneficial to work with a San Diego Lyft and Uber accident lawyer. As a personal injury law firm, Harbor Accident Lawyers has the qualifications to help accident victims win their Lyft and Uber accident cases throughout Southern California. Contact our Lyft and Uber accident lawyers today for a free consultation.


Call Our San Diego Uber Accident Lawyers Today

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What Can a San Diego Rideshare Accident Attorney Do for You?

A San Diego Uber or Lyft accident lawyer can do several things for you. This type of car accident lawyer knows the laws related to personal injury cases and how to negotiate for the best settlement effectively, including compensation for property damage, medical treatment, medical costs, and lost wages.

Our legal team will investigate the Uber accident and make the most robust case for you. We also save you the hassle of negotiating with insurance adjusters. Our Uber and Lyft lawyers know the games that rideshare and big insurance companies play.

An Uber and Lyft accident attorney can tell you what to expect after a vehicle accident. We've seen cases like yours many times before, and we can give you the guidance you need to make informed legal decisions. Our Uber and Lyft accident lawyers will never tell our San Diego area clients what to do; instead, we instruct them based on our knowledge and continued law practice.

Furthermore, our Uber accident attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. As a result, there won't be any out-of-pocket costs for you! Recover compensation with our personal injury attorneys today.

Rideshare accident attorney, Bart Melhop, Esq. - Of counsel
We are like family
You're not just a number but a family member with us. Expect courtesy calls and constant updates from our team. Our friendly staff is available to take your calls whenever you need anything.
Maximum Recovery
We are your loyal advocate who understands your needs. You can expect honest advice and aggressive representation from us. We will decide on the best strategy to benefit you and your recovery.
No money out-of-pocket
Because our Uber accident attorneys work on a contingency basis, you only pay legal fees once we settle your case. We take pride in providing free legal advice whether or not you hire us.
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"While searching for an attorney within San Diego, I came across a number of reviews for Harbor Accident Lawyers and reached out immediately. I am glad I did because their expert knowledge helped me get through a messy situation with Uber where the driver caused us to get into an accident and I ended up with neck and back problems because of it. Harbor Lawyers were very compassionate and they were able to get me the help I needed. I highly recommend them!"

Mandy V. San Diego, CA

An Experienced Legal Team Fighting for Injured Victims

Harbor Accident Lawyers - San Diego personal injury attorneys

If you've been involved in a rideshare accident in San Diego, navigating the complex process of claiming compensation can be daunting. We specialize in Uber and Lyft accident cases at Harbor Accident Lawyers, offering expert guidance and legal representation.

Our experienced rideshare attorneys work on a contingency basis, ensuring you face no out-of-pocket costs. At the same time, we strive to provide maximum compensation for your injuries and losses.

Contact us today for a free case evaluation, and let us take the burden off your shoulders.

San Diego Office

Call Our San Diego Uber Accident Lawyer Today

Call to schedule your free initial consultation.

What to Do After a Rideshare Accident Involving an Uber or Lyft Driver

After a rideshare accident, you should act similarly to how you would in any other car accident. Ensure that everyone is okay and call emergency services. Even if the car accident doesn't seem bad, you'll still want to call both emergency services and the police.

After an Uber or Lyft accident, rideshare drivers and passengers commonly experience mild shock. Because of this, you may not think you need medical care or even realize you have severe injuries. Make it a rule that, at minimum, the paramedics are called and examine you on the accident scene. If you have discomfort or suffer injuries, including mental confusion, seek medical attention by proceeding to the hospital for a complete medical examination is highly encouraged.

The police must be on the scene to document the accident from their perspective and mediate between parties. After the accident, the police officer will create an accident report. Take down the officer's contact information to obtain a copy of your report. You need this report as evidence in your case.

Document the car accident by taking pictures and videos.

Get the contact and insurance company information of everyone involved in the auto accident, but avoid talking about it. Anything said can hurt your personal injury claim.

After that, consult a San Diego rideshare accident lawyer to help you with your accident claim. Finding a personal injury lawyer with extensive experience in this field will be beneficial and prevent errors from being made.

Distracted Uber driver, texting while driving.

How A Rideshare Company Operates

Rideshare pick-up zone

Rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft have transformed the transportation landscape, especially in bustling cities like San Diego. Rideshare companies rely on mobile apps to connect passengers with drivers, enabling individuals to request rides with just a few taps on their smartphones. These companies position themselves as technology platforms, facilitating ridesharing services rather than owning fleets of rideshare vehicles or directly employing drivers.

Independent Contractors

At the heart of rideshare companies' business model is the designation of drivers as independent contractors rather than employees. This means that Lyft drivers, Uber drivers, and other rideshare service drivers use their vehicles to cover their expenses. This distinction is significant regarding issues like insurance coverage and legal responsibilities. For instance, if a rideshare driver is involved in a car accident, the process of recovering compensation may be different than if the company directly employed them.

Insurance Coverage

Insurance coverage is a critical aspect of the rideshare industry. When accidents or mishaps involving rideshare vehicles occur, there's a complex web of insurance claims to navigate. A Rideshare company usually maintains a policy with insurance companies to cover potential liabilities. Still, this coverage often has stipulations based on when the accident happens (e.g., whether the rideshare driver was actively transporting a passenger or waiting for a ride request). Rideshare accident victims might find themselves delving deep into medical records to prove their injuries and tallying medical bills as they consider pursuing a personal injury lawsuit. Understanding the intricate relationship between rideshare services and big insurance companies is vital for anyone seeking compensation after an incident.

Common Causes of Rideshare Accidents in San Diego

All the concerns that apply to normal car accidents also apply to rideshare accidents. Halt says that in 2019 alone, two million people experienced permanent injuries related to car accidents.

Some of the most prominent causes of these Lyft and Uber accidents are:

  • Drunk driving or driving under the influence of alcohol or other substances is among the most harmful causes of rideshare accidents. People often think they are capable of driving after having some drinks. However, response times are slower, and judgment is usually impaired.
  • Speeding is another major issue that prevents other drivers from stopping in time to avoid rideshare crashes.
  • People also tend to make unsafe lane changes, which can lead to them colliding with a Lyft or Uber vehicle.
  • Another common issue is running a red light. It can cause problems when Uber and Lyft drivers push through yellow lights instead of slowing down.
  • Distracted driving is something that many people are guilty of. These distractions include conversations with passengers, texting or calling someone, eating, or applying makeup.
  • Bad weather, like rain or snow, can also lead to car crashes due to limited visibility or slippery conditions.
  • Night-time driving increases the risk of accidents due to limited visibility. You can only see what your headlights and street lights illuminate. People also tend to be more tired at night, which can have the same impairing effects as alcohol.
  • Tailgating or following other drivers too closely in your vehicle can also increase your risk of a car crash. You have less time to react if the driver ahead needs to stop or slow down abruptly.

If an accident occurred due to a negligent Uber or Lyft driver, contact our Uber accident lawyer today! We represent all victims and ensure ridesharing companies take responsibility for their drivers.

How Our Uber Accident Attorneys Can Get You the Best Results

An Uber or Lyft accident lawyer gets results by taking on several legal tasks.

We offer the following services for accident victims:

  • We investigate car accidents and determine who is liable in the case. Rideshare drivers may sometimes refuse to take responsibility. Such scenarios may complicate your insurance claim, and fair compensation may be hard to obtain without proper legal representation.
  • Gathering evidence is another essential part of our jobs because we know what to look for in defense of our clients. Police and other parties will not look extensively for evidence that helps your accident claim.
  • Negotiating with insurance companies to maximize the compensation you deserve.
  • Estimating damages based on the type and extent of injury or damage helps us determine the compensation we want for you.
  • Send demand letters to the at-fault party informing them how much they are expected to pay back in damages.
  • Taking the case to trial if it cannot be settled out of court.
  • Conduct discovery to ask defendants or other parties for information. This helps to collect evidence and avoid surprises.

Call us to speak with an Uber accident attorney if you have suffered severe injuries in an rideshare vehicle accident.

Contact Our San Diego Uber & Lyft Accident Lawyers Today

The easiest way to answer all your questions is for you to call us.

How Car Accident Lawyers Determine Liability in a Rideshare Accident

Liability: Concerning a personal injury claim, liability is another term for responsibility. When on the road, people, including Lyft and Uber drivers, are obligated to maintain a certain degree of responsibility and follow driving laws. They are negligent drivers if they fail to meet their duty of care. Negligence is essential because it allows the case to compensate for more than just medical bills and physical injuries. Rideshare or car insurance companies can also award emotional, reputational, and economic damages if negligence is determined.

California has a shared fault law, which means that parties can each be liable for a certain percentage of the damages done. This percentage of fault can influence how much compensation Uber or Lyft accident victims can receive.

For example, suppose someone is awarded $10,000 but found to be 30% responsible for the rideshare accident. In that case, the rideshare or insurance company will deduct that percentage from those earnings so that they will end up with $7,000. Settling out-of-court may help you receive fair compensation if you have shared fault.

How Much Is a Rideshare Accident Claim Worth?

If you wish to sue Uber or Lyft, the compensation can vary greatly depending on the accident details and the types of injuries present.

The worth of an accident claim can be affected by the severity of injuries, changes to lifestyle caused by the automobile accident, and damages lost, including property damage, lost wages, medical expenses, and future medical bills.

Schedule a consultation with a San Diego rideshare accident lawyer today for a free case evaluation based on the specific facts of your case.

Common Injuries in Lyft and Uber Accidents

There is a range of severe injuries that Uber or Lyft accidents can cause. You may experience injuries like:

  • Broken bones
  • Lacerations
  • Bruises
  • Head injuries
  • Back and spine injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • PTSD and other mental conditions

If you have been in a severe rideshare accident in San Diego, CA, contact our Uber or Lyft accident attorney for a free case evaluation. An experienced attorney can review your case against current insurance policies and will determine how much compensation you should receive for your serious injuries.

We Handle Car Accidents Involving Rideshare Vehicles

If you need a San Diego Lyft accident lawyer, we can help. We have years of experience in car accident cases and ensure that we stay updated on emerging information on how to manage rideshare accident cases. Our team is compassionate and committed to giving accident victims the best results.

You may not be sure you have a case, but you can contact us for a free case evaluation. During the evaluation, we can discuss the specifics of your case and determine what steps you can take going forward. All Lyft and Uber accidents are different, so it is valuable for us to hear the details of your case before deciding anything or giving legal advice.

Our Uber accident attorneys will collaborate throughout the process and update you on the case proceedings. You are valuable to us, and we know that if we don't communicate, our Uber and Lyft accident attorneys cannot get the results you want. Contact us today to discuss your concerns regarding your rideshare accident and open that ever-important communication channel.

How Can We Help?

Please fill out the form, and an experienced attorney will contact you shortly to discuss your accident or injury.